Nyla's First Day of School

It was Nyla's time.  Time for her to make her own friends, have her own schedule, rock her own little world and we were kicking it off with a lot of fanfare.  I was happy that she actually started school earlier just so she didn't have to share her milestone with Winter. So when the day came for her first day of school the excitement was contagious.  I continued the "tradition" of making breakfast on the first day and on tap were pancakes and eggs which we gobbled up then quickly changed.  Bookbag packed with her crib sheet (for her naps on the mat) and extra set of clothes and a blanket and we all —ALL—walked over to her preschool, signed in, and dropped her off. She waved goodbye and just like that no more infants (cue mom tears).

Home LifeEunice K.nyla, kids