Tips for surviving 29 Rooms with a toddler

We missed out on the museum of ice cream but equally cool is Refinery29's 29 Rooms which came to Williamsburg over the weekend.   Winter and I headed over to experience this 

interactive funhouse of style, culture, & technology, brought to life by a group of global artists, celebs, influencers and commercial brands.  If you love instagram, this is the event for you.

 Winter's favorite part was probably the ferry ride and free ice cream afterwards, but she was game to hit a few of the rooms that had manageable (or no) lines.

 My tiny sidekick was also my photographer. Yay!

 Didn't want to leave the foam pit. obviously.

 Some tips if you're headed to 29 rooms with toddlers or anyone with little to no patience:

  • bring snacks. the lines were long for some rooms so also...

  • be prepared to commit or wait (the snowglobe room I REALLY wanted winter to do was a 60 min wait. no thanks.)

  • you have 3 hours to make it through so pick your 3 favs to hit them up or do what we did which was...

  • roam until you see a short enough line and go for it

  • bring multiple portable chargers for ipads/phones (ipad for toddler-waiting-distraction)

  • if you can swing an umbrella stroller that will probably make your life easier and not have to hold toddler. but be prepared for tight spaces or lines with people giving you side eyes

  • it's hot. dress appropriately or layer up/down.

  • go with an open mind and just have fun.

City LifeEunice, nyc, winter, tips