Winter checks out the Lion King

Even though we're New Yorkers, we don't frequent Broadway shows very much. But when some great tickets came our way for the Lion King, we couldn't pass it up.  It was going to be a family affair but when I realized the running time was about 2 hours and 30 min with an intermission, I didn't think Nyla would be able to sit still that long so we opted to take Amber (who watches the girls but is an amazing vocalist!) to enjoy the show.  

Already familiar with the Lion King brand (Lion guard is the cartoon currently airing on disney jr), Winter was really excited to go and had no qualms getting into "theme" for our broadway outing.  We sat right on the aisle so we got extreme closeups with the procession of "animals" during the opening of the show.  The sets and costumes were incredible and the music is everything we've come to know and love (and a few new ones were thrown in!).  I highly recommend it for kids.  It is suggested that kids ages 6 and up attend but if you have a toddler who can sit through a full movie, I think you could totally swing it.  Winter had 1 bout of sleepiness but snapped out of it once the lights and music switched up. I'd love to go to Aladdin but want Winter to be familiar with the storyline and music first so we can all take it in.  Hakuna Matada!