Hello Nyla Reign (the birth story)

 Nyla came into the world right on her due date and quickly at that! Considering this was me right after my usual weekly doctor check-in that morning:

I was apparently 4cm already but having no contractions. My doctor said she'd probably be seeing me at the hospital later that night or tomorrow morning. But seeing that I had been 2-3 cm and can go "any day now" for the past 3 weeks, I took everything with a grain of salt. I resolved to do lunges my whole way home.

There's a reason why she's the doctor (lol). The contractions kicked in around 4ish that afternoon and they were the real deal. This is me around 7:30 pm - an hour or so after being admitted (at 8-9cm! woop woop!) and the epidural already kicked in. Look who's enjoying bbq and look who's waiting for go-time (i'm already 10 cm but doctor wanted baby to drop into a lower position.) 

After an hour and a half of waiting watching the cavs game and we've got the go ahead. 5 min of pushing and here she is! I don't think I was ready for how fast it went. Crazy fast. If labor with Winter was like a marathon (3 hours?!) then Nyla's delivery was like the 50 yard dash.

Winter came to visit the next day. I think she was more concerned about seeing her mommy and daddy than interacting with this little human everyone was doting over. She didn't really want any part of the kumbaya moment.

 But when we brought her little sister home, she did a complete 180 and couldn't stop doting over "Lala" (can't quite grasp saying "Ny-" ...its cute)...

and had no issues sharing hugs with daddy. We're so lucky and blessed with the addition of Nyla. Now its on to learning how to juggle 2!!!