Race Report: Brooklyn Half 2014

The good thing about telling people you plan to run a race is that you have to stick to your word or else sound a flake. The bad thing about telling people you plan to run a race is that you have to run the race.  Hence my predicament when the bk half drew near and I'd been sort of training alongside my dear friend and former "student", Billie, as she prepped for her 2nd half marathon. Sort of is a bit of an understatment as I had been trying to fit some semblance of a training plan since February - fitting in runs when I could. However, the longest run up to that point had been my sub 8-mile long run a few weeks prior. Rule of thumb is to at least get a 10 miler in. It wasn't looking good. The excitement of race day was too tempting to pass up though so I put a facebook post out to see if anyone had a bib to spare and lo and behold a friend of Billie's had one available.  Can't back down now! Fortunately Billie also semi-slacked on her running plan but I brush her off because she went all fitness loco on me since her 1st half marathon - completing spartan races, tough mudders, and takes kickboxing like 10 times a week while running her scheduled 3 and 5 milers here and there. loco in la cabeza, I tell you. Nonetheless she knew my reluctance about running and agreed to run the race WITH me - as in i will FINISH but I might start walking at some point - run the race with me. 

Rarely will you ever see a subway car packed like sardines at 6AM except for on a race morning.

 YEAH, Mitch comes to cheer!

(only real friends wake up at 5 am to go WATCH you run past them 1 or 2 times)

 headed to the start line.

 Billie's roommate also comes to cheer.

 It's a hat. that says "Fierce" and its got leopard kitten ears. meow.

 oh and gigi ran too!!! she was a superstar and picked up my bib for me b/c I was stuck in the office on race packet pickup day. Viva la brooklyn!

 I'm still happy because it's only mile 2.

----recap highlights----

  • my phone (aka ipod aka music playlist) died 2 minutes before the race started

  • i planned for a dead battery and brought a portable mini charger

  • what i didn't plan was bringing the wrong cord for this charger

  • i almost quit right then and there because i spent an hour the night before arranging my playlist

  • i was jealous of everyone and their headphones

  • i was jealous of everyone and their headphones

  • i was jealous of everyone and their headphones

  • billie kept me company and chatted with me the entire race (true running partner/friend)

  • i was jealous of everyone and their headphones

  • ive ran the bk half twice during it's first 2 years and I really liked modification of the route (not having to do prospect park loop twice)

  • i still hated the ocean parkway straightaway

  • the bk crowds are soooooo much better than manhattan crowds

  • people's signs made me laugh

  • by mile 6 my legs were sore

  • by mile 10 my ankles and legs were sore

  • by mile 11 my knees ankles and legs were sore

  • Billie almost left me like twice (i tried to get her to go ahead but she stuck by me)

  • by mile 12, mile 13 couldn't have come fast enough

  • crossing that finish line made me so proud of myself for running the entire route and sticking to finishing

  • the post race goodies were ehhhh

  • I'd run it again

  • i was jealous of everyone and their headphones